Magic Touch

We normally feel some discomforts during pregnancy. One of these are backpains ,which I'm currently experiencing now. Having a massage is not really a taboo for us. We may undergo therapy and massage but make sure it is from a trained or a licensed therapy who specializes prenatal massages.

For those whose staying at home, you may find these magic touch tips to relieve some discomforts.

To ease strain in your hips, rest on your side and support yourself with pillows. Ask your partner to rub down your hip, alternately sliding one hand forward and the other hand at your back in a gentle, flowing motion. Make at least ten strokes per side.

Pregnant women frequently feel exhausted. To boil down swelling and fatigue, ask your partner to lightly stroke your leg from knee to ankle and then ankle to knee. This will also help to increase circulation.

Hope you all find these tips helpful.

Have you noticed whose faces you hate and love staring at?

Showing the early signs of pregnancy in the Philippines was the renowned word "lihi". When you're excessively craving for something to eat, someone to see and even pissed off to a particular person without any reasons at all during pregnancy, you are said to be on that stage, "lihi".

Well, I listed out those foods I used to crave from my recent post. Today, I'm about to uncover few faces of people I habitually gaze at. One of them is the famous Angel Locsin. Who would not like her? She is considered as one of the most admired celebrity in the Philippine entertainment industry. A versatile young actress and had been the most bespoken cover model by most mags. One of her shows that I wouldn’t want to miss is presently premiered in television entitled “Lobo”.

Another famed star is the daughter of the celebrated Megastar Sharon Cuneta, she’s non other than KC Concepcion. One thing I admire in this girl was her humility notwithstanding the fact that she’s one of the richest girls in the country, another upcoming actress like her mom, very cheerful and talented too. I love watching her tv ads and she’s now starting to have her own tv series which I would unquestionably watch out for. No wonder this missy has been offered a bunch of advertisements because of her fame and beauty.

One more local celebrity to add on the list is Anne Curtis. I really loved the way she carries herself. She was remarked as the teen fashionista of showbiz and young girls look out for her get ups in all her appearances. One thing that we have in common.... we both like color white. It entails purity and cleanliness. She was also called the local Angelina Jolie. Why? Just take a glimpse at their pics.

These girls are my favorite faces but it doesn’t mean that I happen to like them because they’re all pretty. There are also some pretty celebs that I’m pissed at for no reasons at all. Good thing they’re pretty too (smiles). Do I need to name them (thinking)? Hmmmm. Oh well, ok, ok, ok, I will reveal it. Both are local artists too. Gretchen Barreto and Ara Mina.

I don’t want to get in trouble mentioning them but it so happened that I dislike them for no reasons at all. I don't even know why I used to get pissed off whenever I see them. Nevertheless, maybe its part of my “lihi” stage. Some told me that those faces you hate the most are most likely to be like your baby. If that is true, lucky me because they’re both pretty too!

Freaky creatures gets near to preggies..

Filipinos have lots of stories with regards to pregnant women, ghosst and creatures. Old people especially in provinces believes that there are creatures who likes to eat babies that are still in the womb. Freaky right? These creatures can smell the freshness of your baby's blood even if its still in the tummy. Oldies called it tiktik. These creatures normally made a ticking sound at night thats why its called "tiktk". According to the old stories they normally hang out on preggies homes at their roof. Waiting for people in the house to sleep and then make their move. Their tounge are very flexible that it can be stretched from the roof towards their bed, cut your tummy and took the baby. Ewww I'm having goose bumps now. Do you think I believe it? Of course not. These are only hearsays and old stories. If I could see one maybe I'll believe. (Hope not too see one)

Let me just share a related stories which I encountered for the very first time during my 2nd month of pregnancy. It was almost 1 a.m. when me and my hubby took a shortcut to go to his mom's place using a scooter. Why it took us 1 a.m.? Well unfortunately a lot of things happened. We have to look for a vulcanizing shop since we got our tire flat. To go on with my story we were driving in a dark place with lots of trees alongside. It was too dark and people who lived there were all fast asleep. Few lights were turned on making it more creepy. We just ignore the fact that it was scary since we were chatting while on the way. Suddenly we saw a huge round smoke from the trees coming towards us. I was uncertain were it came from and wondering who would make a fire in the trees or just above it fast midnight? I decided to smell it and became horrified when theres no scent at all. There were no vehicles in front of us, if its coming from a vehicle, a cigarette or a bonfire, i would definitely recognize it. But there was no scent at all. We were driving slowly thats why we had time to feel the scent. But because we're both horrified, I just hold my hubby tight squeezing his tummy telling him to drive fast even if the street was crooked. Were both frightened that it might be a "Kapre". These are tall and dark creatures said to be living in trees and smoking a huge tobacco as what the oldies story was. And whats funny after rushing thru the street, we reach its end and to our dismay it was blocked with a wood about only 2 feet high. Roads were closed because of some unfinished construction. I could still feel so scared and told my hubby theres no way of getting back. Haha I even told him lets just carry the scooter since the block wasn't that high at all. He even agreed. We were both laughing knowing that were both horrified and were about to carry a heavy bike. We didn't even noticed a small way to that road until someone came from a bike too. We just look at each other wondering if the guy who came after us seen the Kapre as well. We were laughing till we came to his moms' place. She told me not to travel especially during midnight because preggies are more prone to see such creatures. I just smiled at her and told her its not true. Maybe its just a bonfire. But still that was a freaky experience. My first time ever..

Grany's bet..

Some people can guess the genital organ of the baby while they're still in the womb. Just by looking at your face and how you move. My mom in-law told me she used to bet for a bottle of tequila by guessing the kid's sex organ. She never failed and always brought a tequila home. She then told me some characteristics of a mom to check when the baby is a boy.

  • Preggies always feel tired and lazy most
  • Misses taking a bath in a day
  • Bulging nose
  • Neckline and armpits are getting darker
  • Youre becoming unpretty.. hehe
  • Too much nausea
And if its a girl:
  • You always wear make up
  • You always want to feel clean and fresh
  • Your face is blooming
  • In short you look prettier hehe
These might be some of those characteristics she considered observing in preggies but theres still hidden secrets she didn't reveal yet. Hmm I wonder what that is.

Her first bet for me,
Your baby is a boy!
OMG! so it means I don't look pretty huh. Haha. Well, I don't have bulky nose yet, dark underarms and neckline. I was only too tired almost in a day. I just like to get more time to sleep and misses to take a bath (nah, I just revealed it). She then told me I would still find it out more when its about 6 or 7 months. But one time when I was with my friends they were guessing that its a girl. (Hmm, so Im prettier huh). Maybe because I don't normally put make ups when I'm home. I only do it when there are gatherings or special occasions. Well let me see if someone will owe another bottle of tequila to my baby's granny. Lets find out.

Pregnancy vs UTI

According to hearsays and also proven in researches that we, preggies are more susceptible on having UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. Where does it came from. Bacterias from intestines can move from the rectum which is very near our urethra and travel through our bladder and worse case travel to the ureter and cause infection. And since our uterus begins to increase its size, squeezing or pressing our bladder, we tend not to completely wasted out our pee. Remains of urine takes time for it to flush out. The longer it remains the happier the bacterias to travel more and multiply. That is why we are fully advised to drink more water to flush and kill the bacteria's celebration in multiplying. I have gathered some helpful tips for us moms to prevent this disease.

  • Drink plenty of water, 8 glasses or more
  • It is advisable to drink cranberry juice regularly.
  • Don't suppress when you feel the urge to pee.
  • Empty your bladder everytime you pee. Make sure your completely done. Don't be in a rush.
  • Pee before and after intercourse.
  • Make sure you keep your genitals clean and dry at all times. Use mild soap and water.
  • Refrain from using strong soaps, feminine hygiene products, and douches.
  • When drying after you wash don't rub your genital area. Blot it dry from front to back leaving you bacteria free.
  • Don't wear tight pants.
  • Wear cotton underwears.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, refined juices and softdrinks
  • Prevent yourself from soaking in your tub for a long time.

Whats on the 2nd Month...

Ever wonder how small the babies are when their only few months old in our tummy?

During my second check up, my doctor just told me that my baby is only less 2 inches small and I can hardly noticed it.

The second month is the critical period in developing their structures for hearing and seeing. Their skin, face, fingernails, fingers and toes, cartilages and muscles are starting to appear and form. Same as their stomach, liver and kidneys. How could you imagine a 2 inch creature having all of these formings inside of you. Its like magic!

I also noticed changes in myself. I have gained some pounds and starts to urinate frequently. So to prevent dehydration we should drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday. Why does urinating becomes frequent? Well its because are uterus happens to increase its size and it crowds the space next to our bladder. It turned out squeezing our urines out of our system that makes us rush to our comfort rooms.

One more thing that I noticed changing are my breasts. Gives us reasons to change our brassiere sizes and cups. Since we are said to be classified from class Mammalia, we have our distinct mammary glands that produces milk. During prenancy, the so called hormone called progesterone stimulates and further enhances the structure of our mammary glands, does enlarging our breasts.

Lots of things to grow. Mind also those sexy shorts and skirts you wear before. You'll definitely have the hard time fitting it again because your waistline will start to increase. My OB told me since it was my first baby plus the fact that I'm a bit tall compared to an average Filipina height, I would definitely not have a bigger tummy than other preggies. But I wont be exempted to those who change their size of clothing in the near future. Well, don't be anxious on what you'd look like when you get bulky. Don't wear tight clothes it might suppress your baby's growth. Think of other ways to be fabulous.

There would still be more changes in the future and I will still give you details of what I've been through.

Foods I crave..

Let me share with you my first food cravings. It is always been told by almost all the elders to avoid dark foods especially on your early months of pregnancy. According to Filipino beliefs the baby's physical appearance will depend on the food you eat. If you eat dark foods your baby will get dark also and lighter when you eat the opposite colors. Others also says that when you crave particularly on food lets just say a crab, your baby will look like one. My gosh!! Then I made a funny thought that if I eat my favorite celebrity my baby will look like her/him. That was only a joke. lols.

As far as I can remember, at first, I was so desperate to look for singkamas or turnips. Since my first month is not its season, I only found some in a vegetable corner of a nearest market which was already divided into pieces and doesn't have its branches anymore. Never did I mind about it as long as its a turnips. I don't even understand why it gave me the satisfaction even if I only had a piece of it. Those of you might want to ask others whose been experiencing the same thing like I did, they would definitely agree about the satisfaction feeling thingy.

The next food I crave for was lugaw and boiled egg. Lugaw is a traditional Filipino version of rice soup. My meals in a day wont be complete without having both. I never had a problem where to find it. Lugawan (rice soup store) are just around the corner but I make sure that their place is also clean. If you would ask me its easy to cook one but I don't understand why I want it bought from the outside. Maybe I'm a bit lazy cooking a lugaw. Haha.

One other thing I could not forget was craving for siopao. I always asked my hubby to buy one before he arrives home. I even don't want to give others any of my siopao. People at home would only laugh at me. Feels like I'm a kid having my own candies and hiding from friends. Siopao from chowking was one of my favorite. Been crazy craving for it. Asado or bola bola flavor will do. Don't forget the hot sauce for bola bola. I enjoyed eating the bola bola flavor with hot sauce rather than the usual sauce or asado sauce. Yummy! Hmmmmm, I wonder if my child's face would be like a siopao. Big and bulky.

Food cravings for woman won't be complete without the green mangoes and shrimp paste or "mangga at bagoong". I even mastered cooking my own shrimp paste at home for my mango dip. Well its been my favorite since I was a kid. My dad loves it and I would always sneak one from the fridge even without having my meals first. Almost every woman, pregnant or not, find mangoes really mouth watering. Even men too. One more thing I could never forget, the unforgettable sidewalk vendors during my childhood years having their mangoes halfed with bamboo skewers and the questionable bagoong. (lols).

And currently my cravings became the hard to find big guavas. Its not seasoned yet and I even look for my neighbor's native guava trees just to have one. Unfortunately I can only smell its taste through the aroma of the leaves. Huhu. Its been, I think, 3 days, since I craved for it. But I'm still not loosing hope to find and have one tomorrow.

From all the foods I mentioned, theres one thing in common. All of them have bright colors right? But even if its light or dark foods as long as my child is healthy, there'll be nothing I would worry about.

Some pics acquired from Marketmanila.

Do's and Don'ts

Being a mom takes a lot of responsibility. It is important to have knowledge of how to take good care of ourselves, our little ones and our partners. Here are my collected lists of what to do:

1. Take prenatal check ups. Experts such as doctors who provide prenatal care are the ones we need. Have your schedule or appointment with them and choose those who are really licensed and you will comfortable with especially when asking informations. Do not hesitate to inform them on everything regarding your pregnancy.

2. Take your prescribed vitamins. During pregnancy we are not allowed to take some medicines, it might affect the growth of our baby. We need prenatal vitamins that are rich in iron, folic acid and calcium that are essential to your body and child as well.

3. Eat a balanced diet. this includes whole grain bread and cereals, fruits and vegetables, milk products, foods rich in protein such as meat and fish.

4. Have a safe and moderate exercise such as walking and swimming.

5. Talk to your partner and discuss about your future plan about the baby.

6. Moderate your expenses. It is very important to save for your delivery and for the things needed by the baby.

7. Check and update your insurance, baby benefits and other documents. These will help us minimize our expenses when the big bang came.

8. Quit smoking.

9. Avoid drinking alcohol and excessive caffeine such as soft drinks, coffee, tea, cocoa based beverages.

10. Never self medicate. Always use those that are prescribed bu the doctors only.

11. Avoid using pesticides, paints and aerosols.

12. Talk with good friends and families who have experiences in parenting.

13. Whenever you feel some worries and doubts, be open on sharing it with your partner. Its also best for you to be accompanied by him on your check ups. Mostly other guys do not understand women's behavior during pregnancy. It is best that they can also talk to your doctors.

My First Ultrasound

Let me tell you about my experience on my first doctor. I wasn't so comfortable in my first OB. And for us moms we pay them for their services and we expect them to take good care of us and the baby. As first timers it was natural for us to ask questions. It was first check up then she told me to have a trans vaginal ultrasound. I never knew what it is ad she only told me that it is normally done to see if I have an ectopic pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy is also known as molar pregnancy. These resulted when an embryo is not in the uterus as what normal pregnancy used to be.

I don't even know what that means yet. I asked her if what does that mean, how does woman get ectopic preganancy or is it hereditary. I was so embarrassed when she answered sarcastically,
"if you're asking about where you can get ectopic pregnancy, you're like asking me where does the moon came".
My hubby heard it out loud and felt so annoyed. I also got annoyed but I have to pretend I'm not since she was still doing the ultrasound having her probe stucked inside my uterus. It took us about more or less 15 minutes to get it done. It really gave me discomfort as if my whole uterus was being scraped. It ended up that she had not seen any baby yet inside the uterus she even can't tell how many weeks the baby is. Then she asked me to come back the next month or if I feel any pain. I was so upset and my hubby was so annoyed. I could still feel the pain until the day after. We talked about it at home and we decided to look for another doctor.

My new OB told us it wasn't time yet for me to have that ultrasound because it was still an early pregnancy(that makes me too mad on my first OB). I told her how upset we were on our first check up. I again asked her a lot of questions and she answered everything and was too kind to give us a lot of informations that we need and thats what we expect OB's will do especially when its your first pregnancy.

It was the next month when I went again on an ultrasound. I felt nervous and I was shaking since i got traumatized on my first one. My OB was very careful and she was so nice asking me if im feeling some discomfort. I still felt it but it was just mild compared to my previous one. I saw the baby in the monitor. it was too tiny and i can clearly see the heart beating. It was only 2 cm. I was so happy I already got my baby's first picture. Thank God everything was normal. Theres no sign of ectopic pregnancy at all.

How does trans vaginal ultrasound takes place:
Normally you'll be undressed from waist down. You will lie with your knees bent upward and your feet in holders which they called as stirrups. They will use a transducer, a probe with a condom and a gel that will be placed inside your vagina. This probe will transmit waves to the computer too see the picture inside the uterus. You will feel a mild discomfort when the doctor moves the probe around your uterus to see the pelvic organs.
This procedure is also used to diagnose some infertility, abnormal bleeding, pelvic pains, menstrual problems. Also to monitor the baby's growth and heartbeats.

The little's first month in me.

I was still working back then on a shifting schedule. My shift was on graveyard and i will need to go everyday on the 7th floor. One day I was fixing my hair in the washroom when I felt an earthquake. It was only 5 to 10 seconds if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't really frightening since it wasn't recognizable at all. When I was way out of the building, still in the elevator I felt it was still shaking. I began asking my friends with me. They just laughed at me and said I was just exaggerating of what had happened. After few days I could still feel that things are moving around me and always telling my friends, "hey its shaking again". I could still remember the days while walking and I will suddenly stopped and look around me. I was so paranoid that it might be an earthquake again.

Not until I noticed I missed my period. It was past two weeks but I'm uncertain that I was already pregnant since my period sometimes came on the third or fourth week. One day I just felt dizzy and too tired. I called my boss that i was unable to work that day. This was the day when we went to a doctor and took some tests. The nurse told me to have a PT (pregnancy test).
I looked at the result and a single red line appeared. I told my hubby that it was negative. He was expecting I'm pregnant and I saw him sighed. I knew that he was sad because he really loved to have a baby. Then the nurse rushed running to tell me it wasn't just a single line. She found out that there's still one line revealing. It wasn't that clear as the first but it signifies a positive result. I looked back at my hubby and saw his eyes glowing. We're both speechless but we can't hide the fact that were both happy as well. Then I remembered thats why I've been feeling a little dizzy lately, it wasn't because of the earthquake, it was just an early sign of pregnancy, it was because of my little one.

I then started reading and surfing to gather informations regarding pregnancy. I was one of the lucky mom not to experience nausea. Nausea means morning sickness. This is a well known pregnancy symptom that will often show up between 2-8 weeks after conception - fertilization of the egg and sperm. Even if its called morning sickness it can happen at any time of the day. And for those unlucky mom they will feel nauseated throughout most of their pregnancy. These includes vomiting and feeling dizzy. To other first time moms, it will be our moment to always get near the washroom since we pee twice the time of what we normally do before. :). And even we just sit the whole day, we always feel fatigued or more tired.

During the first month I was still working and I felt back pains when traveling. My doctor advised me to have a bed rest and prescribed medications to keep the baby safe. I decided to quit my job. I told myself that I don't want to risk my baby's life. Job will always await but the life that is lost can never be replaced. This is my flesh and blood and it can never be replaced by any salaries I will earn at work. Of course our life will not only evolve between ourselves and the child only. Remember that we still have the dad of the child. Never forget to share conversations with them. We talked about why I decided to quit working, our plans and preparations to be a parent. We also need to manage and balance our time with people around us. Knowing that your partner understands you on what you're going through gives us satisfaction and comfort.

The Essence of a Woman

Ms Universe 1994, Sushmita Sen from India made a remarkable and unforgettable scene in answering the final question during the pageant. "What is the essence of a woman?", to which she very craftily replied, "Just being a woman is God's gift". Followed by a spontaneous notion: "The origin of a child is a mother, a woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman."

Being a mom is its essence. When I was still young, I had been praying to have kids of my own, to be loved and cared for. It would be such a blessing to have a gift inside your tummy. I am now 27 and I used to count years ahead, how old will my child be when I'm already on my senior years. I wanted to see how my child grow from toddlers to teenage years until he/she becomes adult. Its a feeling of not wasting my time alone while counting the years i have on growing old.

It was last year, month of December when I finally knew that I'm carrying a new life in my womb. I can still remember that the feeling was unexplainable. I felt the excitement and fear. But what I can't hide was the glow of happiness. I felt that I was fully blessed to carry God's important creation. It was more of mixed emotions. I have no regrets that I would missed being single but I am more excited of how it will be to start a new life as a mom. There are so many things to learn and learning is what I love. What could be more interesting to learn more than your own life? I will surely have a lot of questions how to take care of my baby, myself, my partner and the people around me.

I'm about to share you my experiences, ups and downs as a first time mom. For now, let me just sip the taste of happiness by being an essential woman. Hope you join me as I live my new life.