According to hearsays and also proven in researches that we, preggies are more susceptible on having UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. Where does it came from. Bacterias from intestines can move from the rectum which is very near our urethra and travel through our bladder and worse case travel to the ureter and cause infection. And since our uterus begins to increase its size, squeezing or pressing our bladder, we tend not to completely wasted out our pee. Remains of urine takes time for it to flush out. The longer it remains the happier the bacterias to travel more and multiply. That is why we are fully advised to drink more water to flush and kill the bacteria's celebration in multiplying. I have gathered some helpful tips for us moms to prevent this disease.
- Drink plenty of water, 8 glasses or more
- It is advisable to drink cranberry juice regularly.
- Don't suppress when you feel the urge to pee.
- Empty your bladder everytime you pee. Make sure your completely done. Don't be in a rush.
- Pee before and after intercourse.
- Make sure you keep your genitals clean and dry at all times. Use mild soap and water.
- Refrain from using strong soaps, feminine hygiene products, and douches.
- When drying after you wash don't rub your genital area. Blot it dry from front to back leaving you bacteria free.
- Don't wear tight pants.
- Wear cotton underwears.
- Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, refined juices and softdrinks
- Prevent yourself from soaking in your tub for a long time.
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