Whats on the 2nd Month...

Ever wonder how small the babies are when their only few months old in our tummy?

During my second check up, my doctor just told me that my baby is only less 2 inches small and I can hardly noticed it.

The second month is the critical period in developing their structures for hearing and seeing. Their skin, face, fingernails, fingers and toes, cartilages and muscles are starting to appear and form. Same as their stomach, liver and kidneys. How could you imagine a 2 inch creature having all of these formings inside of you. Its like magic!

I also noticed changes in myself. I have gained some pounds and starts to urinate frequently. So to prevent dehydration we should drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday. Why does urinating becomes frequent? Well its because are uterus happens to increase its size and it crowds the space next to our bladder. It turned out squeezing our urines out of our system that makes us rush to our comfort rooms.

One more thing that I noticed changing are my breasts. Gives us reasons to change our brassiere sizes and cups. Since we are said to be classified from class Mammalia, we have our distinct mammary glands that produces milk. During prenancy, the so called hormone called progesterone stimulates and further enhances the structure of our mammary glands, does enlarging our breasts.

Lots of things to grow. Mind also those sexy shorts and skirts you wear before. You'll definitely have the hard time fitting it again because your waistline will start to increase. My OB told me since it was my first baby plus the fact that I'm a bit tall compared to an average Filipina height, I would definitely not have a bigger tummy than other preggies. But I wont be exempted to those who change their size of clothing in the near future. Well, don't be anxious on what you'd look like when you get bulky. Don't wear tight clothes it might suppress your baby's growth. Think of other ways to be fabulous.

There would still be more changes in the future and I will still give you details of what I've been through.